Sushant Singh Rajput commited suicide at his home in Mumbai. The actor was 34. He debuted in Bollywood with Kai Po Che! and was last seen in Chhichhore. Sushant Singh Rajput was found hanging at his Bandra home earlier this morning. Some of his friends were also at home when his body was discovered. The door to his room was broken and he was found hanging. Initial reports from the police say that he was suffering from depression for the past six months. His friends also told Aaj Tak that the reason behind this extreme step is depression. A suicide note has not been recovered yet.
Sushant Singh Rajput had hosted a close group of friends at his home on Saturday night, according to sources. This, however, has not been confirmed by any of his friends. He had gone to bed really late and the house help was not surprised that he was not up and about in the morning.
But when he tried to knock on Sushant's bedroom door around noon, he received no response. That's when the help called Sushant's friends, who forced open the door to discover him hanging.
A pall of gloom descended upon Bollywood on Sunday afternoon, as soon as the news of Sushant Singh Rajput's death broke.
Akshay Kumar tweeted, "Honestly this news has left me shocked and speechless...I remember watching Sushant Singh Rajput in Chhichhore and telling my friend Sajid, its producer how much I'd enjoyed the film and wish I'd been a part of it. Such a talented actor...may God give strength to his family." Ajay Devgn wrote, "The news of Sushant Singh Rajput's death is truly sad. What a tragic lossFolded hands Deepest condolences to his family & loved ones. May his soul find eternal peace."
Sushant made a name for himself on the small screen, especially with Pavitra Rishta, where he played the lead role, before jumping to the big screen. Sushant broke on to the big screen with Abhishek Kapoor's Kai Po Che, based on Chetan Bhagat's bestselling book The Three Mistakes of My Life.
Kai Po Che catapulted Sushant Singh Rajput, a smalltown boy, into almost overnight fame.
After 2013's Kai Po Che, Sushant worked in Shuddh Desi Romance with Parineeti Chopra, and then went on to do several films.
He was last seen in Chhichhore opposite Shraddha Kapoor. It was a film directed by Nitesh Tiwari, which dealt with college life and the frustrations of the later years.
The actor's former manager Disha Salian was found dead a few days ago.
Sushant Singh Rajput was born in Patna. His brother Neeraj Kumar Bablu is an MLA. His sister-in-law is an MLC in the Bihar Legislative Council. He is survived by his elder brother, two sisters and father Dr KK Singh. Sushant lost his mother in 2002, when he was only 16 years old.
Sushant Singh Rajput had secured all-India 7th rank in AIEEE and finished his Mechanical Engineering degree from Delhi College of Engineering. He had also won the Physics Olympiad. He joined Shiamak Davar's dance classes and later joined Barry John's acting classes to become an actor